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News since 2020

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2025-03-21: Updated NexPostFacto for OS X 10.7, 10.8, and 10.9 to attempt to fix a reported issue with the oipatch.sh script failing on newer macOS versions. I was not able to reproduce the issue on Intel macOS 14.7.4, but I fixed an issue in the script that may have caused it.

2025-02-19: Deleted the iPhone 4 CDMA GPS fix because it is likely unnecessary; no one seems to be experiencing issues with the CDMA iPhone 4's GPS or its date being set incorrectly, and regardless, the CDMA iPhone 4 is effectively unusable in the modern world.

2025-01-12: Uploaded the source code to two macOS patches I contributed to dosdude1's patcher to the More page, now with licenses specified.

2025-01-10: Updated the iPhone 4 CDMA GPS fix with small fixes. Please note that this does not mean support for it has resumed.

2024-11-09: The GitHub user @gokberkince has updated Globalize for modern rootless jailbreaks. You can download it here. You must reboot the userspace after installation.

2024-09-28: Added information about more alternatives to Firefox Legacy. Removed the downloads for Firefox Legacy because there is now a modern browser for Mac OS X 10.6 (InterWeb), which incorporates some of the patches I made to get Firefox 52 to run on Mac OS X 10.6, removing the last reason to use Firefox Legacy. See the Firefox Legacy page for more information.

2024-09-27: Added instructions to uninstall UnQuarantine to the More page.

2024-07-07: Updated NowKeyboard to version 1.0.4 to target Android 14, ensuring it will be installable on future Android versions which increase the minimum target Android version.

2023-10-13: Updated the downloads of ClearDownloadLog and Firefox Legacy 52 to remove unnecessary hidden files beginning with ._ from the ZIPs.

2022-11-10: Discontinued development of ClearDownloadLog because it appears to be unnecessary on macOS 13; in my testing macOS doesn't persistently log the URLs of downloaded files anymore.

2021-12-23: Released final versions of all NexPostFacto editions incorporating bug fixes and small improvements.

2021-10-24: Discontinued Firefox Legacy because a better alternative (Chromium Legacy) exists. See the Firefox Legacy page for more information.

2021-10-13: Updated the iPhone 4 CDMA GPS fix to avoid errors when Python 3 is installed as "python".

2021-05-15: Discontinued some of my software because better alternatives exist.

2021-03-29: Added a section to the Firefox Legacy page noting that the official Firefox language packs are supported and explaining how to install them.

2021-02-15: Updated the iPhone 4 CDMA GPS fix to fix Apple Silicon support.

2021-02-14: Updated the iPhone 4 CDMA GPS fix to add untested support for Apple Silicon Macs.

2021-01-24: Updated Firefox Legacy for OS X 10.7 to v68.12.0p3, enabling support for numerous newer web standards. This should improve compatibility with many websites.

2020-12-16: Updated ClearDownloadLog to v1.3.2, fixing an issue where the icon was blank on older macOS versions.

2020-11-10: Updated ClearDownloadLog to v1.3.1, adding a new icon which matches the design of macOS Big Sur.

2020-09-19: Updated the iPhone 4 CDMA GPS fix to work on macOS Big Sur.

2020-09-15: Updated Firefox Legacy for OS X 10.8 to v71.0p2, fixing an issue where a missing function in OS X 10.8 could cause it to crash, although no crashes were reported.

2020-09-11: Updated Firefox Legacy for OS X 10.7 to v68.12.0p2, fixing an issue where a missing function in OS X 10.7 caused it to crash on launch for some users.

2020-08-28: Uploaded Original Siri Voice, an old tweak I made to restore the original, robotic Siri voice on iOS 7-9, to my Cydia repository.

2020-08-27: Updated Firefox Legacy for OS X 10.8 to Firefox 71.0, and fixed several bugs.

2020-08-27: Updated Firefox Legacy for OS X 10.7 to Firefox ESR 68.12.0, and fixed several bugs.

2020-08-24: Released NexPostFacto for OS X 10.5, which enables hardware OpenGL acceleration, as well as DVD playback, on unsupported Macs with ATI Rage GPUs running OS X 10.5 Leopard.

2020-08-09: Updated UnQuarantine to v1.2.1, fixing an issue where the dialog box would appear behind other windows on older macOS versions.

2020-07-31: Deprecated my macOS Big Sur Patcher due to the existence of newer, more complete patchers.

2020-07-12: Updated NexPostFacto to fix graphics acceleration on the 64-bit 10.8 patcher.

2020-07-09: Updated my macOS Big Sur Patcher again to fix patching beta 2.

2020-07-08: Updated my macOS Big Sur Patcher to support beta 2.

2020-06-29: Released NexPostFacto, a collection of tools to run newer OS versions on Macs that don't officially support them.

2020-06-27: Released my macOS Big Sur Patcher for unsupported 2012-2013 Macs.

2020-06-27: Updated ClearDownloadLog to v1.3, fixing a privacy issue where deleted data could remain visible in the database file.

2020-06-27: Updated UnQuarantine to v1.2, improving the UI and fixing a bug where incorrect handling of symbolic links caused unnecessary password prompts.

2020-05-18: Updated ClearDownloadLog to v1.2.2, fixing support for OS X 10.5 and 10.6 and fixing an issue where an unneeded file would be created if the database did not exist.

2020-04-14: Released Firefox Legacy 52 for Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, finally bringing a modern browsing experience to older Macs.

2020-04-12: Updated ClearDownloadLog to v1.2, further decreasing the size and adding support for OS X version 10.5 and newer, including PowerPC CPUs.

2020-04-03: Updated ClearDownloadLog to v1.1, rewritten in native C code, and with an app icon.

2020-04-02: Updated NoBetaAlert to v1.4.3, verified to work on iOS 13.x (no code changes).

2020-03-18: Released ClearDownloadLog (on the More page).

2020-03-14: Updated Globalize to v0.3.2 to completely fix the Safe Mode crash issue on iOS 13 and all A12 devices.

2020-03-07: Updated Globalize to v0.3 to attempt to fix crashes on iOS 13 and all A12 devices.